Adult Classes

Regardless of age, current physical condition or abilities, adults of all ages have been enjoying the vast benefits gained through training in the martial arts. Whether your emphasis is on personal protection, improved health and fitness, and/or mental clarity and wellbeing, our personalized instruction will help you discover the incredible benefits.
Unlike most gym workouts, which focus on either cardiovascular OR strength training, our trainings are designed to condition your whole body while you learn fighting techniques.The pace of classes helps elevate the heart rate, allowing students to increase cardiovascular health while burning calories at a rapid pace. In addition, the increase in lean muscle mass that results from the total body nature of our workouts, results in students experiencing an increase in their metabolic rate.
One of the most obvious advantages of Taekwondo is the development of self-defense skills, and ultimately, peace of mind. Our curriculum is comprised of real world proven techniques. They are powerful, direct and successful. Students can be fully confident to handle themselves in many situations.
- Proper warm-up & stretching exercises – so that you can begin training sessions properly and develop flexibility.
- Perform unique bodyweight exercises – so that you can develop functional fitness and core strength while getting rid of excess fat and improving your cardiovascular health.
- Develop fundamental stances and footwork – so that you can move with a combination of speed, balance and power.
- Learn proper striking and kicking techniques – so that you can defend yourself with a strike, kick or knee without hurting yourself.
- Learn fundamental defensive blocks – so that you can block, deflect or redirect a punch, kick, push or grab; the bedrock of your self defense skills
- Learn and perform controlled self defense drills, so you can begin to develop your reaction time, hand-eye coordination, how to control distance and more
And much more…
Enroll Today In The World Taekwondo Academy, Carmel Valley, San Diego!
Call us at: 858 481 1211
Visit us at:
4653 Carmel Mountain Rd.
Suite 302, San Diego CA, 92130